Dave sits down with Russell Kramer, author of the book Hocus Focus- Coming of age with ADD and its medicines. Russell owns and operates a contracting business and tells his story of growing up taking medication for his ADD and…
How to identify what goals you want to set as an adult with ADHD
The thought of goal setting can be a turn off for many people including adults with ADHD. One of the reasons is that many adults with ADHD are not clear on what goals they would like to set, both personally…
Reducing “out of sight, out of mind” when you have adult ADHD
One thing that pretty much everyone with ADHD experiences is the concept of “out of sight out of mind.” That can be everything from your calendar, to do list, shopping list, backpack or laptop bag to bring to work, car…
ADHD and the connection between thinking and planning
There’s a clear connection between our ability to think and how we plan and when we have ADHD, it helps to understand that connection. Because many with adult ADHD have challenges thinking effectively when we need it, planning can suffer.…
These are the must haves for thriving in the workplace with adult ADHD
Overcoming Distractions focuses a lot of attention and resources on helping busy professionals like you thrive in the workplace with adult ADHD. This week we have a general discussion about how to navigate the workplace and thrive, grow and feel…
How emotional intelligence helps us thrive with adult ADHD
Understanding the overall concept of emotional intelligence and how it affects our lives with ADHD is critically important when it comes to navigating professional and personal life and thriving with adult ADHD. This week on Overcoming Distractions, Dave has a…
Ways ADHD “shows up” in the workplace and career
This episode is Part 2 of how ADHD is showing up in our lives. This week we discuss how ADHD shows up in the workplace, our jobs and our careers. Dave is joined again by Dr. Fiona Peters a leading…
How does ADHD show up at home and in our personal lives?
So you are an adult with ADHD. Or maybe you do not have an official ADHD diagnosis but suspect you may have ADHD. While there are many signs of ADHD such as distractions, lack of focus, difficulty with routines and…
This calendar app can be a game changer for adults with ADHD and the family
Many adults with ADHD struggle to find a calendar system that works for work and home life. And when you’re running a household with children, sometimes your calendar system can get more complex. You not only have appointments, meetings…
How to remember and achieve goals with adult ADHD
Did you set goals at the beginning of the year or did you create any New Year’s resolutions? Have you gotten off track on your New Year’s goals or completely forgotten what you set out to do this year? Many…