This fall is a great time to build structure and new routines

Is it time for you to get back on track? This may be the best time of the year to do that.

The fall season is a great opportunity to hit the reset button on both personal and professional goals. And by doing so, it’s the perfect time of year to rebuild structure in your life and recommit to routines that help you meet certain goals.

Sarah Reiff-Hekking, Ph.D. of True Focus CoachingYou do not need to be an adult with ADHD to get some tremendous value out of this discussion with Sarah Reiff-Hekking of True Focus Coaching.

Sarah and Dave discuss the many reasons why this may be a great time to get back on track. Everything from the seasonal flow of business, kids back to school, and the end of vacation season for many makes this a good time to develop new routines and “get stuff done.” The right stuff…!

Key points in this podcast discussion include:

  • The ability to create more structure
  • More uninterrupted time because school has started.
  • Putting personal goals above career goals
  • What time horizons are and why they matter.
  • Committing once again to regular self-care

Sarah gives listeners a road map to get back on track. Those tips include:

  • First take a 10,000-foot view of everything you have committed to.
  • If you must, use visuals such as a wall chart.
  • Incorporate what Sarah calls a flexible template for work each week.
  • Establish when you are working and when you are not working.
  • Set up an environment that is conducive to productivity.
  • And she shares so much more in this podcast.

Do you want to book a strategy session with Sarah? Check out the link below to connect with her.

How executive functions play a role in planning, organization, priorities and more

How do we prioritize when we have adult ADHD? How do we plan both our personal and professional lives and how do we create organization and build time management systems? All these are related when it comes to adult ADHD and that is the discussion for this podcast.

ADHD at its most basic level is a challenge with executive functions. And many with ADHD have difficulty with planning and executing important tasks. We will discuss the basics of how many aspects of our lives affect “getting stuff done!”

Back on the podcast is ADHD coach Jeff Copper with DIG Coaching.

Jeff Copper Dig CoachingJeff uses a phrase called task Darwinism to explain how executive functions play a role in all parts of our lives and he begins the podcast by explaining what he means.

Dave and Jeff talk about how many people with ADHD make planning and organization too complicated. They also discuss why clarity is one of the most important things a person with ADHD needs to have in all aspects of life. For example being clear on directions from clients or your boss at work.

Not having clarity is a recipe for procrastination and unnecessary stress.

Jeff also discusses the difference between the word ‘should’ and ‘will’ and how these affect planning and organizing tasks.

Jeff also gives tips towards the end of the podcast about how to stay away from panic mode when it’s challenging to get stuff done.

You can connect with Jeff Copper below.

Can art help those with ADHD relax? EP 150

We can incorporate mindfulness into our busy ADHD lives in several ways. Mindfulness doesn’t always mean meditation. It means that you can give something your full attention without being distracted. And it should help reduce your stress.

Can art help people with ADHD relax and increase their creativity?

This week we have Faigie Kobre on the podcast, founder of Creativity Reunited. She spends much of her time helping people create art through alcohol inks which she explains in the podcast.

She has some great tips in this podcast if you are an adult with ADHD and looking for something different to help reduce your stress.

Faigie talks about being diagnosed with adult ADHD later on in life and how seeking a diagnosis came about.

She talks about being a high end professional photographer and how after an ADHD diagnosis, she made the career change to educate people about art.

She discusses how alcohol inks can help people relax and feel at ease, even those with ADHD and how this fits into the mixed media art community.

Faigie discusses how everyone can get started with art, even if you feel you’re not good at being creative through art. She says alcohol inks are a great way to express your creativity initially.

Find out more at:


How to choose the best foods for adult ADHD EP 149

While there are many ways to manage and thrive with adult ADHD, one of the areas to focus on is choosing the right foods. By eliminating certain types of foods, we can begin to feel better and even develop more focus.

On this episode of Overcoming Distractions Dave sits down with Dana Kay, Founder of the ADHD Thrive Institute and the author of the book, THRIVING WITH ADHD –A Guide to Naturally Reducing ADHD Symptoms in Your Child. While dana’s book is geared more towards children with ADHD, the same advice for which foods to choose also helps adults with ADHD.

Dana feels that choosing the right foods and discussing nutrition for people with ADHD do not get enough attention. It is a powerful way to manage your ADHD, and she feels more and more people should be aware of the benefits of choosing the right foods.

Dana also says that the worst foods for people with ADHD to consume are those that contain gluten, dairy, and soy. She says that if you had to choose one to start with, it would be removing gluten from your diet because it has many benefits.
Dave and Dana also talk about how there is a connection between the brain and the gut. I think there is no better evidence of this than when you get butterflies in your stomach when you are nervous.

Dana discusses how to get on the right track, including starting with whole foods, that consist of fruit vegetables grass-fed proteins, and healthy fats. She also advises you to drink spring water.

There is a whole lot more nutritional advice when it comes to ADHD in this podcast, and Dana gives her tips for getting started.

Find Dana Kay at her website as well as her book.

ADHD Thrive Institute



EP 148: Working conditions that can lead to burnout and how to move forward

Burnout can happen to everyone including those with ADHD. In fact adults with ADHD can burnout much faster when faced with an unhealthy work environment. Burnout also occurs when those of us with ADHD are not in the right job.

ADHD career coach Shell Mendelson is on the podcast this week talking about what causes employees with ADHD to lose interest and even burn out.

And Shell talks about the warning signs of being in the wrong job, how to correct that and how to lay the groundwork for finding a new career or job.

Some important points to the discussion include:

Why performance improvement programs at a job can backfire on people with ADHD.

Why confidence is important when trying to navigate your career.

What contributes to burnout in the workplace including poor communication, lack of flexibility, and insufficient physical space or open spaces such as cubicles. And, of course, the amount of house someone works.

Shell discusses how to start the process for finding a new job or career. She walks everyone through an exercise for identifying what they like and what might cause them to experience any level of burnout in the workplace.

She also has suggestions for a successful job interview to ensure you ask good questions before accepting any position.

Find out more about Shell here:

EP 147: Your brain is not broken-Understanding your ADHD brain

The topic of this podcast is about the feelings many with ADHD feel about having a different brain. Many with ADHD go as far as to feel that their brain is broken. That’s what many say to themselves.

Tamara Rosier, PhD, is the founder of the ADHD Center of West Michigan and the author of the book, Your Brain’s Not Broken. The book has received much praise from many in the ADHD community.

Tamara wants people to understand that ADHD is just a part of you and does not define you.

Tamara Rosier, PhDDave asks Tamara why many people with ADHD feel their brain is broken. They ask questions such as “Why am I like this? Or why do have this brain?” “Why can’t I be normal?” These are common messages we feed ourselves as individuals with ADHD. It’s not uncommon and the frustration that comes with having ADHD can feed this.

By the same token, Dave asks Tamara why many with ADHD have a default negative type of thinking? For example, “I have ADHD so I can’t do that.” she discusses what those of us can do to begin to change our negative way of thinking.

Tamara also spends an entire chapter in her new book on setting boundaries. It’s an important part of managing your life whether you have ADHD or not. But even more important if you’re an adult with ADHD. She explains why.

In chapter 12 of her book, Tamara explains practical ways to manage and thrive with ADHD. She discusses these briefly and tells people why it’s important to be practical. Building a solid foundation for managing your ADHD is one of the most important things you can do.

You can find Tamara’s new book here:

EP 146: Myths About ADHD and Productivity

Jeff Gibbard and Sara Ohanesian are back on the podcast to discuss ADHD and the myths surrounding productivity and focus.

Many people with ADHD have let Tick Tock, Twitter, and Instagram influence how they think about their behaviors and habits. Especially when it comes to strategies and tactics for being productive and focused. To be direct, we let others on social media tell us what works and doesn’t. When in fact, those with ADHD need to try a variety of these tactics to find out what works for us and our personal circumstances.

We discuss the following in this podcast about productivity and ADHD.

First, why do we let outside influences dictate our abilities? And have some of us just made up our minds?

We discuss why we need to be curious and not dismissive of productivity tactics. One tried, and true way is to break projects down into small chunks and learn about the different systems that allow us to complete these projects.

We talk about paying attention to what is working for you as a person with ADHD and what it feels like. We talk about paying attention to your reactions and when you try a certain productivity technique, try to understand if you like it or do not like it.

In the podcast covers so much more regarding myths about ADHD and productivity. Stay with it until the end because this podcast offers many great tips.

If you have your mind made up about the productivity techniques that are working or not working for you, this podcast will change your mind.

Find Jeff and Sarah here:


EP 145: How those with ADHD can return to the office successfully-Part 2

Grant Crowell is back to continue the conversation about how to return to the office successfully. Grant is the Author of Grantasms Creative twisted words for cool people! and a self-professed social wordsmith. Grant has extensive experience in corporate training and support.

Grant discusses several of the challenges some of us face when asked to return to an office setting. These include having a new work set up such as a desk or workspace as well as adjusting to a possible hybrid scenario. He also discusses maybe not having an ideal office setup.

Grant CrowellGrant also talks about how your routine could change because of a different schedule, and the need for different types of communication and real-time interaction.

Grand and Dave discuss the benefits of going back to the office. Those of us with ADHD are social animals so that face to face time for many of us is a benefit. Not only in the office but our ability to go out to lunch or other social activities. It also helps build new routines and work discipline. And of course, it gets us out of the house.

Grant talks about what we can do to analyze our best work and conditions. That includes an audit of what is working and what is not and what you may be challenged with within the workplace. He also discusses how to advocate for ourselves including having discussions and conversations with coworkers and your supervisor about how you prefer to work and how you can be most productive for your organization.

Find Grant’s book here:

Connect with him on YouTube:

Do you want to work with Dave?

EP 144: How to make the most of going back to the office when you have ADHD

This week we have back Grant Crowell, Author of Grantasms Creative twisted words for cool people!  and a self-professed social wordsmith. Grant and Dave discuss how to go back to the office full time, survive in a continuing remote work environment or how to maximize hybrid working.

As we are all too familiar, the pandemic challenged our way of working for just about everyone. Especially if you work in an office environment. Now, after two plus years, many companies are refocusing their efforts on what their workforce will look like and how they will work.

Grant CrowellGrant is a seasoned corporate trainer in many different environments and industries and shares his tips in part one of this series on how to maximize your work environment, regardless of where you work.

Grant discusses what he saw that were some major challenges to remote work including the basic needs of having an office, inadequate Internet connections and getting used to sporadic communication with coworkers and supervisors. Create also talks about the challenges that come with remote work and a hybrid work model whether you have ADHD or not.

Dave and Grant discussed the importance of taking control of various aspects of your work in conditions. These include getting ahead of time management, speaking up when certain communication styles are not working for you as well as not being afraid to ask for the accommodations that will help you do your job better.

Keep your eye out for Part 2 of this podcast.

Find Grant’s book here:

Connect with him on YouTube:

Do you want to work with Dave?


EP 143: ADHD and the power of routines and systems

One of the best ways to thrive with adult ADHD is through effective routines and proper systems. It’s also great if the important things in your life have a place where you can find them.

Effective routines that are tailored to our lives and our careers help guide us throughout the day and provide tremendous benefits for reducing the stress of having ADHD.

This week we have Skye Rapson on the podcast who is the founder of the Unconventional Organisation based in Auckland New Zealand. Skye and her team offer ADHD coaching and other services and everything are offered by those with ADHD.

Many people with ADHD feel they are stuck but Skye is a doctoral candidate. She is living proof that people with ADHD can thrive and achieve the goals they want. She discusses briefly how she has been able to navigate school and other life commitments to get to this point in her life.

Skye and her team focus a lot on routines with their clients including how they work closely to identify overwhelmed and create strategies to reduce overwhelming behavior with ADHD. She discusses how they do that.

Skye and Dave also have a discussion about the importance of developing systems because they do support our weaknesses.

Skye walks us through a process for creating routines in your life when you have ADHD. She also says that we need to consistently revisit our routines because circumstances in life and our careers are changing all the time. It’s important to adjust where needed.

Dave and Skye also talk about how creating proper systems and routines can reduce the effects of burnout. Running around scattered all day only creates stress and anxiety and will ultimately lead to burnout.

Find out more about Skye Rapson and her team here:

And don’t forget Dave’s new book Overcoming Burnout.