What is good brain management when you have ADHD?

This week on Overcoming Distractions, we chat with Cameron Gott, an ADHD coach that works with those in business, entrepreneurs and other professionals.

We are going to talk about brain management and how to thrive with Adult ADHD, focusing on the total person, rather than just one type of technique.

While many might focus on time management techniques for those with ADHD, Cameron will discuss with us that the picture is much larger than that and if we focus on the individual, we will have a much better chance of managing our ADHD and actually thriving with it.

Cameron describes what good brain management is and the components of being self-aware.

He talks about why sleep so important to thriving with ADHD and how to achieve that goal.

Why is exercise part of good brain management? And what does it do for the brain.

He speaks to what impact proper brain management can have on an individual with ADHD.

And we discuss what other aspects of brain management are important and he gives us some quick tips for getting started with a program of good brain management. Such as.

Give credit to yourself for the good things.

Pay attention to yourself.

Collect data on yourself including good and negative traits.

And, start slow. Try one thing at a time such as exercise, meditation, etc…

You can find Cameron’s blog about good brain management for those with ADHD here: https://www.camerongott.com/blog/2019/8/14/first-things-first-good-brain-management

Check out Cameron’s new podcast here: www.TranslatingADHD.com

EP 38: How to combat shame when you are an adult with ADHD

ADHD and shame sometimes go together and for many, it’s a real struggle. This episode of Overcoming Distractions we chat with Dr. Sharon Saline a licensed clinical psychologist and one of the top experts on ADHD for both children and adults. She is also the author of the popular book on ADHD, What Your ADHD Child Wishes You Knew: Working Together to Empower Kids for Success in School and Life. 

David talks with Dr. Saline about the topic of shame and where it might stem from at an early age.

Dr. Saline defines shame as it relates to adult ADHD and explains where shame might come from. Hint, it might be some of those bad report cards…

Why shame is such a critical issue when trying to thrive with ADHD and why negative self-talk is not good for anyone with ADHD>

Dr. Saline talks about how shame can get in the way of thriving with adult ADHD and we talk about whether shame is in any way, related to imposter syndrome.

How do we begin the process of overcoming shame? Dr. Saline talks about how to begin that process.

And she gives us her top tips for someone who is experiencing shame in their life.

You can find Dr. Sharon Saline here and her book below. https://drsharonsaline.com/

Find her book here: https://www.amazon.com/dp/0143132393

EP 37: How to develop a proper mindset when you’re an adult with ADHD

In this episode, we dig a little deep into the mind and mindset of an adult with ADHD.

While we often discuss some of the basic techniques and habits to thrive with ADHD such as sleep, exercise, time management and others,  we are going to get into our minds a little bit in this episode.

Having a proper mindset is important in all aspects of a successful life but when it comes to managing and thriving with ADHD, it’s a critical part of the mix. Having the proper mindset allows you to make better decisions, not dwell on challenging situations you are placed in and it gives you the ability to see things in a different and more positive way.

Jeff tells us about his ADHD coaching practice and other activities around ADHD such as Attention Talk Radio.

Jeff defines mindset and he tells us why it’s an important part of thriving with adult ADHD.

We did into some examples of the wrong mindset with ADHD and how to think differently about challenging situations.

And we touch on how to start on a new path of mindset and self-awareness in order for an adult to thrive with ADHD.

We also chat about procrastination and the true reason why we do so, obstacle to a positive mindset and how to work with your ADHD brain.

If you need some new thoughts and inspiration to manage your ADHD, this is a great episode.

You can find Jeff at the websites below;





EP: 36 Making Relationships and Marriage Thrive with ADHD

In this episode we chat with Melissa Orlov, author of The ADHD Effect on Marriage and The Couple’s Guide to Thriving with ADHD. Melissa aside from being an author of books on ADHD, also hosts seminars and groups on how to navigate ADHD and relationships. She is the leading authority on this subject and her groups are very popular.

In this Podcast on ADHD and Marriage we cover:

  • We chat about the main reasons people come to her and her workshops?
  • Melissa takes time to discuss how her ADHD groups and seminars structured.
  • She details what she wants to achieve when working on a relationship with a couple.
  • Melissa says that one of the keys to success is that both people in a relationship need to have an understanding of ADHD.
  • We talk about relationships when it comes to entrepreneurship.
  • How can that busy entrepreneur or businessperson do their part in maintaining a healthy relationship?
  • Melissa’s top tips for maintaining a healthy relationship when ADHD is involved.


You can find Melissa Orlov at the website below, learn more about her books and sign up for her groups and seminars on ADHD.


Do you want to support the podcast? Buy me a cup of coffee. I’m always thankful!

EP 35: Coping with burnout, loss and major transition

This podcast we speak with Mary Ellen Wasielewski of BLT Strategies based just outside of Boston, MA. Mary Ellen and her team coach executives and others that are experiencing burnout in their career, have suffered a loss in their immediate family or they are in major transition in business or their personal life.

Mary Ellen talks with us about her personal story about how she got into this line of work and introduces us to BLT Strategies.

She talks about some of the common reasons her and the team are brought into a company or hired by an individual for coaching.

We discuss burnout and why many might experience this and not know it. How do we recognize burnout in ourselves?

We chat about the steps we need to take to overcome burnout.

We then talk about how the team works with a professional after a loss in the family and steps a busy professional needs to take to get back to work and productive after a death or major life event.

Mary Ellen has health and wellness professionals on her team and we discuss why this is so important to her goals and objectives with a client.

Mary Ellen talks about her top goals when working with a client.

You can fine out more about BLT Strategies and Mary Ellen here; https://www.bltstrategies.com/

Ep 34: May we have your attention please?

This episode we chat with Laura MacNiven, co-founder of the Springboard Clinic based in Toronto and the author of the ADHD workbook, May We Have Your Attention Please?

The workbook is a great tool for anyone with ADHD trying to sort things out and find their way. Laura’s book is certain to do well with individuals with ADHD of all ages.

Some of the topics we discuss are:

  • We discuss the general theme of the workbook
  • Did the workbook fill a void in the ADHD world?
  • We talk about “the hidden you” and ways to find out what the perfect day is in your life.
  • We chat about how this workbook can help the busy businessperson or entrepreneur who might have ADHD.
  • We also have a discussion about how the Springboard Clinic works with someone to maximize their gifts
  • And for the busy professional, Laura gives us her top tips for managing and maximizing a distracted mind.

You can find the book on Amazon at: https://www.amazon.ca/Have-Attention-Please-Living-Thriving/dp/1999571908/

Find out more about the Springboard Clinic here. http://www.springboardclinic.com/

Ep 33-Overcoming Distractions in a Growing Digital Agency

This week we talk with Lysa Miller, cofounder of 3 Media Web, a digital marketing agency based in Hudson Massachusetts. We talk with Lysa about running and growing a digital marketing agency in a fast-paced industry, taking into consideration the constant changes in the world of marketing and PR. Lysa offers her advice and tips for creating systems that work for everyone on the team and how to manage the distractions of a digital world.

Some of the other topics we discuss are:

Running a fast-paced company in a rapidly changing industry. How do her and her team keep on top of the changing digital marketing landscape.

Social media is a big part of her business, so we discuss how they make it work in their favor.

Lysa likes to keep busy and we discuss why this is such an important part of how she manages her day and how it works in her favor when staying productive. She also keeps her team busy as well in the community and she speaks about the culture they have established by getting involved in the local community.

And she shares her tips for those that need a little help in staying on track, focused in business and need to minimize distractions.

You can find Lysa at: https://www.3mediaweb.com/

Instagram: @lysapreneaur

EP 32-Resolving Workplace Conflict-Taming the Lions in Your Organization

One major distraction in any size organization is when there is workplace conflict. When your team is not getting along, getting on the same page or working together as a team, conflict arises, and distractions become part of the workplace.

This time we chat with Carol Marzouk, “executive lion tamer” with Leadership N Soul. Carol gives us some great insight into what happens in any size organization when conflict comes into play.

Here is what we discuss:

Some of the main reasons for workplace conflict?

How does someone recognize that conflict is becoming a problem?

Is there good conflict? If so, how can that be productive?

Is conflict worse in a small business rather than a larger organization?

How does constant conflict distract us as well as the overall business?

How do you work to align an organization?

What if we just can’t get along?

Carol’s top tips for “taming the lions”

Learn more about carol here; https://leadershipnsoul.com/index.html

EP 31 Managing the Ultimate Distraction-A Crisis in Your Business

How to manage a crisis in your business.

There is one distraction that takes on a life of its own sometimes and it is a crisis in a business. Having a public relations crisis can not only distract you, it can stop you dead in your tracks if not handled properly.

You may say, this will never happen to me. But guess what, you would be wrong. It can happen to anyone in business. And in this world of social media, it is very different than when the only way to get news out was TV, radio and newspapers. News travels faster than at any time in our history.

We talk with Judy Rakowsky of Liberty Square Group in Boston about how to prepare, handle and mitigate the effects of a business crisis. Judy is the Senior Vice President of the firm and works with many organizations in managing and planning for a crisis.

Our discussion includes:

  • We define a crisis.
  • A crisis is the ultimate distraction in an organization. Why does it disrupt so much?
  • Why does Judy think many in business are unprepared?
  • We talk about how a crisis in this digital/social media world is a different event.
  • Does Judy feel there are always advance signs of a crisis?
  • In this digital age with social media, can we adequately create a crisis plan?
  • What are the first few things a business should do when presented with a crisis?
  • Judy’s top tips for staying out of or managing a crisis.

Find out more about Judy and Liberty Square Group at: https://libertysquaregroup.com/

Ep 30: What makes a great place to work

What makes a great place to work? We are going to find out this week with our guest Mari Ryan. Mari is the founder and CEO of Advancing Wellness and the author of The Thriving Hive; How People-Centric Workplaces Ignite Engagement and Fuel Results.

Advancing Wellness is a workplace wellness consultancy based just outside of Boston. Mari and her team help build cultures of wellbeing in organizations.

We talk about what makes a company a great place to work and how an organization can build that culture of wellbeing so everyone can thrive. Even those of us who are prone to distractions.

Some of our conversation points include.

  • What makes a great place to work?
  • What are the items people should keep in mind when looking for a great place to work?
  • What contributes to a culture of well being?
  • Is work-life balance a fad, a real issue or something that many need and want?
  • Does the corporate world understand the importance of work-life balance?
  • Distractions- What should a person that could be prone to distractions look for in a workplace? Even in the interview.
  • And, how does a person with other gifts or abilities find the right work environment? What’s the best way to work with management, your boss? Etc…
  • Mari talks about her book and why she wrote it the way she did in story form.

Learn more about Mari Ryan and Advancing Wellness Here: http://www.advwellness.com/

Find Mari’s book here; https://www.amazon.com/Thriving-Hive-People-Centric-Workplaces-Engagement-ebook/dp/B07H3879LT/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1537111671&sr=8-1&keywords=the+thriving+hive