EP 80: Time, focus, ADHD and productivity in the fall of 2020

On this bonus episode of Overcoming Distractions, it’s all Dave and no guest this time. Dave talks about what is on the minds of many during this COVID-19 era and as kids go back to school how we can start to adjust to get back to some new normal or a new routine to increase time, productivity, and focus.

In short, some random thoughts from some personal experience from the past several months and how to make the most of our personal situations. What has worked for him and adjustments he is making as an entrepreneur.

David Greenwood Overcoming DistractionsDave shares his personal thoughts on getting kids back to school reworking your routine, finding flow and some of the best ways to be productive now that the kids are back in school. Understanding the kids could be remote learning in person or both. Dave also takes the time to talk about new ways to get work done creating small habits, taking an inventory of your priorities and seeing if this is the time to start something new.

And Dave also goes through a couple tips that he has been using himself such as making sure his desk is clean, saying no to commitments that he cannot commit to. Something as simple as taking a walk instead of going to the gym and finding some new ways to work to make productivity that much easier.

EP 79: How to make the most out of online ADHD resources

How do I know what type of online ADHD support I can use?

It is a common question and there are many resources out there for adults with ADHD. In this podcast we go over the many types of resources available to those with ADHD, how to navigate those resources and find out what the best fit is for you.

From podcasts about ADHD, blogs , online courses , as well as virtual coaching, there are a whole host of resources available and this week we have Laura MacNiven from the Springboard Clinic to go through those topics and sort out what the best ones are . Laura is the author of the book and workbook May We Have Your Attention Please and is the cofounder of the Springboard Clinic in Canada.

Laura MacNiven Springboard ClinicLaura will take us through the pros and cons of managing your ADHD virtually , She will discuss what our expectations should be when trying to manage ADHD through a virtual program , she will talk about accountability and how you can best use accountability in a virtual setting.

We discuss some of the negatives of the online world of ADHD including unhealthy dialog on platforms such as Twitter and why in many cases, this serves us no good in helping us thrive with our ADHD. While social media has helped many with shared experiences and meeting like-minded people, there tends to be some unhealthy conversations that do not serve us well.

Laura talks about the commitment that you need to manage your ADHD in an online setting and we discuss one of the most powerful tools in thriving with ADHD-self-awareness.

Self-awareness is the foundation for anyone who want to thrive with ADHD and make positive change.

May We Have Your Attention Please Online Course for ADHD

Laura introduces us to the online version of her book, May We have Your Attention Please. The book is a fantastic resource and we know the online version will be just as effective in helping those with ADHD manage and thrive.

Laura takes us through how the course works, what those who go through the course can expect as well as how the course is run from month to month.

She has also given listeners of Overcoming Distractions a 15 percent off code that you should use if you want to subscribe to her course. Find the course link below.



EP 78: From struggling to thriving with ADHD

This week we have a great conversation about schooling, music and proving people wrong. Yes, that’s a thing in the world of ADHD.

Jesse Friedberg (aka Jesse Jukebox) is a Cleveland-based children’s musician who grew up struggling with ADHD and we discuss a number of topics during our conversation.

In school, Jesse had challenges with paying attention like many kids with ADHD and he also had challenges in speech delay which made learning in school even more difficult. With the proper support and guidance, Jesse went on the Berkeley College of Music in Boston and studied songwriting.

Jesse Friedberg Jesse talks about how teachers called him stupid when he was young and how that made him feel. As well as how it motivated him to prove them wrong.

Jesse went on the earn a Master’s Degree in early childhood education and now teaches among others, kids that might have been like him in his early years. He talks about what it took for a kid with ADHD to get through schooling at that level.

He talks about how now as a teacher, he does work with children that have attention challenges and how he can relate as well as take from his own personal experiences.

Jesse is also running a business and recording albums so he also discusses what it is like running his own creative business and what it takes to do so.

Jesse has a great story of how a child with ADHD can not only become successful but thrive and find work that has meaning to them.

You can find Jesse Friedberg at; www.jessejukebox.com

EP 77: Health and wellness 101-Create effective and sustainable habits

We are going right back to health and wellness 101 on this podcast episode. The guest this week is Dr. Pat Boulogne, founder of Health Team Network and the author of Why Are You Sick, Fat and Tired? And we’re talking about getting back to the basics of being healthy and fit.

Dr. Pat and Dave talk about how many have either let their health decline during COVID-19 and how many others have taken this time to get back in shape, eat healthier and get on a better path and healthier lifestyle overall.

Why is it a challenge for some to get healthy and stay fit? Dr. Pat discusses why this may happen and some tips to stay focused on that healthier lifestyle. Dr. Pat also talks about the signs that we need to be aware of before we let our health and wellbeing go too far.

Dr. Pat walks us through some of the basic steps to get our health and wellness back in order, and back on track. We talk about how to implement healthy habits into our daily lives and how to make it easy and simple to follow.

And Dr. Pat wraps up our discussion with her top tips for staying healthy and fit.

Whether you have ADHD or not, or just a distracted entrepreneur, you’ll find our discussion valuable and simple to follow.

You can find Dr. Pat Boulogne and her book here:



EP 76: The gifted adult- A look into the rainforest mind

Are you an overthinker, procrastinator, or book lover? Are you distracted but focused all at the same time? Do you hate waiting but love daydreaming new ideas? And do you feel you have multipotentiality? You might be a gifted adult.

This podcast is dedicated to those who feel they are gifted adults. The guest this time is Paula prober, a licensed psychotherapist and the author of two books, Your Rainforest Mind and Journey into your Rainforest Mind.

Paula begins by talking about her definition of someone who has the rainforest mind including qualities, and examples of those gifted adults. She also discusses some of the challenges of gifted adults including waiting for things, overwhelm and meeting up to one’s potential as well as the ability to focus.

Paula talks about the many gifts of those who are gifted adults and talks about where the term rainforest mind comes from.

And she gives advice for anyone who might need a little help in fostering their gifts.

Find Paula Prober at: https://rainforestmind.wordpress.com/

EP 74: How to become calm, centered and focused

If you are looking for some great advice on how to achieve some peace of mind in this busy world, this is a great podcast for you to listen to. Giovanni Dienstmann is the guest and he is a meditation teacher and coach. Giovanni is also the author of Practical Medication, A Simple Step by Step Guide. Giovanni calmly walks us through some of his approach to gaining a more peaceful life on this episode.

We talk about the concept of the monkey mind, what it is and what the monkey mind can prevent us from doing in life and business. How the monkey mind clutters our thoughts and ways we can tame that distracted mind.

Giovanni discusses the three pillars of mindfulness including calm, centered and focused. He discussed the difference between all of them and how achieving some mastery over these traits, we can become much more relaxed and aware of our minds, body and surroundings.

Giovanni gives his experts tips on how to get started on a mindfulness program and simple exercises to begin the practice of mindfulness. He also talks about other ways to practice meditation and mindfulness including walking.

We take time toward the end to have a chat about the bully in our minds and Giovanni takes time to walk us through ways we can tame the bully in our heads.

You can find out more about Giovanni, his courses, book and coaching here at his website.


EP 73: Why do I always feel guilty?

For many people, feeling guilty is a daily thing. It consumes our way of thinking and it can paralyze us, and get in the way of feeling good about ourselves. It can also control our thinking and be the go-to reaction to many circumstances we encounter in life and in business.

This is a podcast about guilt and other feelings we encounter in our lives. The guest is Nancy Colier a psychotherapist and author of the books, “Inviting a Monkey to Tea: Befriending Your Mind and Discovering Lasting Contentment, among other publications.

Nancy talks about what guilt is and she defines guilt as well as discusses where guilt originates from in our lives. Have we trained our brains to feel guilty? She answers that important question as is there a part of the brain that feels guilty.

We talk about how sometimes we feel guilt and we don not even know it because it has become a major part of our lives.

Why do some people anticipate guilt before it evens happens? And how do shame and guilt live together in our minds?

Nancy walks us through how we can begin to change the patterns of guilt in our lives with actionable tips and skills to begin mastering. Those include an understanding of guilt, self-acceptance, what is impostor syndrome and how we can shape our relationships so we can feel less guilty over time.

Find out more about Nancy Colier here: https://nancycolier.com/

Find her article on guilt for Psychology Today here: https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/inviting-monkey-tea/201801/when-feeling-guilty-is-your-natural-state


EP 72: A Fighting Chance with Boxing Champ Alicia Doyle

This podcast has pretty much nothing to do with ADHD and everything to do with personal growth, development, creating successful habits and achieving goals. There’s a story here for everyone who wants more out of life.

But, if you do have ADHD, you will learn a lot of focus and habits from this discussion with Alicia Doyle.

Alicia Doyle is the guest and she is the author of Fighting Chance, the story of her journey from journalist to female boxing champion.

Alicia describes her journey starting as a reporter covering a boxing gym for youth and how that ultimately got her into the sport of boxing. Dave and Alicia discuss a number of topics about her training including the feeling she got out of training, how she gained more focus through boxing and why it was critical, and she discusses the personal benefits from training in the world of boxing.

She discusses what she is most proud of as a result of training in the sport of boxing and what others can take away from her journey in the boxing world.

What is it like training in the boxing gym for hours? Alicia talks about the rigors of training for a fight.

Alicia also talks about how boxing helped her with routines and habits, goal setting and personal growth. And of course, health and wellness.

And Alicia gives her tips on how to achieve what you want in business and in life and how the world of boxing helped her set a path for success.

You can find out more about Alicia Doyle as well as purchase her book here: https://aliciadoyle.com/

EP 71: Get creative and have some fun with made up words

If you are looking for a creative outlet and have some fun at the same time, you’ll enjoy this discussion with Grant Crowell, author of the book, Grantasms. The book has hundreds of made up words created by the author to describe all kinds of people, situations and other things that might bother us, make us happy or, need a more accurate description.

What is a nononoshow? What’s a social beef? And are you a gerk?

ADHD or not, you’ll have a laugh and maybe learn a few things about yourself in this podcast and figure out that there is a word for everything!

Grant Crowell Grant talks about the inspiration he had in writing the book and the creative efforts it took to build a library of word to describe some of our everyday situations. He uses many in our discussion, (like they were our first language…) and he goes through some of his favorite Grantasms.

He speaks about how creating and using these words, he has been able to interrupt many negative patterns in his brain and clear a path to creativity and focus.

Grant also speaks about his rewarding work at Dell Technologies and how he has the chance to work with all types of individuals and all kinds of brains.

Grant offers his advice for his advice for those of us who may be distracted for a better experience in the workplace and he speaks about the acceptance of those with different brains in the corporate world as well as what many have to offer an organization.

And we have fun! Which is most important.

You can find Grant and his book Grantasms, Creative Twisted Words for Cool People, here: https://www.amazon.com/GRANTASMS-Creative-twisted-words-people/dp/0578523469/ref=tmm_pap_swatch_0?_encoding=UTF8&qid=1595604805&sr=8-1

EP: 70 Improving your mood-Why feel-good stories help boost our good moods

We have Dr. Hackie Reitman back from DifferentBrains.org on this podcast to discuss why we all need some inspirational stories in our lives to boost our mood.

Hackie is the founder of Different Brains, a website that has tremendous resources for all types of brains and is an incredible place to learn and be inspired.

Hackie recently published a blog about Hunter Wittrock, a young man with cerebral palsy who trained for months to be able to walk across the stage to get his diploma. Dave and Hackie discuss that story and why others stories just like it help to improve our mood and sometimes get us out of a slump or bad day.

Hackie Reitman Dave and Hackie talk about what they think his motivation might have been and what others can take away from his strong desire to make such an impact for his own life.

Hackie discusses why he feels we need these stories in our live and how they help the brain cope with bad days and how they assist us in improving our moods.

How can we create these stores for ourselves? Hackie talks about that as well.

And we talk some boxing from Hackie’s pro boxing days and some lessons we can all take away from  that.

Find Different Brains here: https://www.differentbrains.org/

And read hackie’s blog post here: https://www.differentbrains.org/turning-tough-days-around-the-brain-improving-moods/