EP 111: Envisioning Kindness

There is one thing all of us need in this world whether we have ADHD or not and that is more kindness. Those of us who have different brains understand that we not only need to be kind to each other, but we need to show ourselves some kindness as well.

This podcast is dedicated to the subject of kindness and how we can show more of it in our daily lives.

David Fryburg is the co-founder of Envision Kindness, an organization that believes shedding light on the positive things that happen in our life is incredibly important.

David Fryburg Envision KindnessOne of the ways the organization inspires kindness is through imagery and photography and if you visit the website you know exactly what we are talking about. The website is full of images that inspire kindness and show the good in the world.

The two Davids discuss the act of caring for others and experiencing kindness in many areas of our lives.  They talk about how kindness makes us feel connected to others as well as our inner selves.

David Fryburg talks about the psychology of images and how they can instill love, trust, joy, gratitude, and optimism as well as compassion in all of us.

They also discuss how we are all imperfect and have flaws but from kindness, we can accept each other for who we are and what we all have to offer in this world.

And David shares his tips for living in a world full of kindness.

Learn more about the organization Envision Kindness and take some time to view the powerful images on the website.


EP 110: ADHD, Productivity and the concept of focus and bonus

There is never one productivity technique that will work for everyone. That is just a fact. Productivity tips for people with ADHD come in all shapes and sizes as do the tips for everyone else. You may decide pen and paper work best for you, or you may like electronic organizers and note-taking programs.

Everyone is different when it comes to productivity…ADHD or not.

This week we have back Christopher Mitchell, better known as Traveling Mitch, a successful travel blogger, and photographer. Chris is not only a professional writer but an entrepreneur with ADHD who has some great tips from managing time and productivity as someone who is self-employed.

Chris Mitchell Chris takes us through what he calls the focus and bonus method of productivity and time management that he uses in his business.

But before we get into tactics and strategies, Chris gives us an update on the travel blogging industry during this past year of the pandemic. He talks about strategies he implemented in his operations as well as finding new opportunities.

Chris talks about some of the important tasks that are in front of him on a daily basis running a writing and blogging business such as the actual writing of content, editing, distribution, and even photography.

Chris digs deep into the systems he has put in place and he talks about how he has put that focus and bonus strategy in place to be more productive.

And Chris gives us his tips as an entrepreneur with ADHD try help us be as productive as possible.

Find Traveling Mitch here with tons of great content: https://www.travelingmitch.com/

EP 109: The power of saying NO-lower your stress by learning this important word

We can all get better at the habit of saying NO and learning how to say no properly is a long process.

But when we do get good at saying no, we not only free up valuable time and resources but we also begin to lower our stress. Committing to certain things, events, projects, or other longer-term obligations when we do not have the time to invest, increases our anxiety and has the ability to stress out everyone around us.

Back on the podcast is Sarah Reiff-Hekking, Ph.D. from True Focus Coaching. Sarah specializes in productivity and time management training for professionals. She has been on the podcast before and gives us tremendous value on how to preserve our time and get more done.

This time we talk about how to say no… but say yes to the right things.

Sarah Reiff-HekkingSarah and Dave discuss why people say yes when they really mean no. Hint, it may have to do with us not wanting to disappoint others. But Sarah gives us even more insight.

Sarah gets into why we struggle with saying no and why we continue to be challenged with this simple word.

Sarah talks about why saying yes all the time will increase our stress and ultimately lower our productivity.

And she gives us her expert advice and walks us through the process of saying no as well as how to analyze opportunities that come our way.

Sarah also discusses ways we can hit the pause button before committing to anything and how to get into that habit in our lives.

We also discuss how we can feel less guilty when saying no and how in most cases it is a relief for everyone.

You can find Sarah Reiff-Hekking at: www.TrueFocusCoaching.com


EP 108: Creating a positive mindset, the Inventive Labs Way

We talk a lot on this podcast about how to have a positive mindset when you have ADHD. And we’re going to discuss the topic again this week, taking a different angle and a different approach. We look at mindset through the lens of the beginning stages of entrepreneurship and career development.

Our guest this week is Tom Bergeron, co-founder of Inventive Labs based in Massachusetts. The organization helps different learners and those of us with different brains with career prep, making use of a gap year as well as helping young people develop an entrepreneur mindset.

Tom is a lifelong entrepreneur and brings incredible experience to the organization including a strong emphasis on acceptance.

Tom Bergeron Inventive labsTom introduces us to Inventive labs and just how important these programs can be for different learners.

We discuss how important it is for the organization to help those that come to it create a positive mindset and how they do that through a positive environment. He talks about what happens when individuals come to the organization with negative thinking and how they work together to turn that around into a growth mindset.

Tom also talks about how fostering positivity is one of the foundations of Inventive Labs and why it is so important to focus on growth. He talks about accommodations and acceptance, how to build an environment of positive energy, the importance of that, and why it is important to be who you are.

As always on Overcoming Distractions, we like you to walk away with tips and advice you can use in your own life and Tom helps us through that.

Learn more about Inventive Labs on their website.


EP 107: Ditch negative thinking and develop a positive mindset with your ADHD

How can I have a positive mindset when I have ADHD? That is a question we hear all the time, and we are going to do our best to answer it and offer some expert advice on the subject in this episode. Some people call it a growth mindset in the world of ADHD and other areas of personal success, but whatever it is you call it, we are going to talk about staying away from negative thoughts.

Back on the podcast is Dr. Sharon Saline. She is the author of the book What Your ADHD Child Wishes You Knew. Dr. Saline has been on Overcoming Distractions a few times and always offers some great advice and expert knowledge of ADHD in both adults and children.

First, Dr. Sharon defines a positive and growth mindset. She discusses how the ADHD brain can sometimes automatically lean toward a negative mindset and why this happens. And we of course talk about how many have slipped more heavily into negative thinking during this past year of the coronavirus.

Sharon gives us clear examples of both a growth mindset and negative thinking and she also discusses how a positive mindset helps us, particularly people with ADHD to be more resilient.

Dave asks the question of whether adults with ADHD let their minds take over with negativity more than we should and sharing gives her tips for how we can continue to make the year 2021 better and focus more heavily on a growth and positive mindset.

Make sure you visit her website for more information as well as links to her books and blog posts.


EP 106: A new way to set goals when you have ADHD

If you have ADHD and you want to set some goals for the coming year, we’re going to take a fun approach in this episode. Back on the podcast is Dr. Lara Honos Webb, a clinical psychologist specializing in ADHD.

Dr. Lara is also the author of several books on ADHD including Brain Hacks, life-changing strategies to improve executive functioning.

Dr Lara Hono WebbDr. Lara takes ADHD goal setting through the past, present, and future model. She talks about how you need to look at your past successes in order to build confidence as well as challenge that self-doubt in your head.

She talks about practicing being present in the moment and how to create fun for yourself and not worry about the past or the future in this part of your goal setting. She talks about the power of now.

And, Doctor Lara talks about how we look to the future when it comes to ADHD goal setting. She suggests that you imagine talking to your future self, looking at a year and even five years down the road. What advice would you give your future self, right now?

Dave and Dr. Lara also talk about the importance of practicing optimism, practicing gratitude and being proud of your accomplishments in life. Staying positive goes a long way in setting and achieving goals for yourself.

Want to find out more about Dr. Lara Honos-Webb? Find her at:  https://www.addisagift.com/

EP 105: Understanding self-regulation when you have ADHD

Back on Overcoming Distractions is ADHD coach Jeff Copper. Dave and Jeff tackle the subject of ADHD and self-regulation. One of our core executive functions as humans is self-regulation. It is important to understand this in ourselves and how to be more self-aware about our emotions in various situations.

Jeff says that self-regulation is the ability to direct an act back on yourself to change your behavior to change the future. Jeff also states that it’s the ability to pause and ponder before you proceed. In other words, those of us with ADHD need to think before we act or react.

Jeff CopperJeff walks us through why the ADHD brain has challenges with self-regulation as well as some of the more difficult aspects of self-regulation including some of the more common ways we struggle with this.

Jeff discusses with Dave some of the ways we can do a better job with self-regulation and some of the systems he works with his coaching clients. That includes limiting temptations, learning how to downregulate, limiting choices, how to override certain situations and more importantly, how to become much more self-aware of our emotions.

Jeff also lists several examples of how dopamine plays into self-regulation including instant gratification and delays in gratification.  He talks about many strategies for self-regulation including exercise, pausing and more.

Jeff talks about his approach when he’s working with coaching clients as well.

Find ADHD Coach Jeff Copper here: www.digcoaching.com

EP 104: Be the creator of your life and live big

This week we discuss how you can serve as the creator of your own life with the goal of living big. As our guest says, when we actively create each day, we live big!

Rochelle Seltzer is our guest. She is the author of Live Big, A Manifesto for a Creative Life. She’s also a coach that works with women, but her advice rings true for both men and women.

Rochelle wants you to live big and she is going to discuss how in this engaging conversation.

Rochelle Seltzer Rochelle talks about how she feels we are all creators and that we do have the ability to create our own path. She talks about the importance of building a proper mindset so we can create our own path and vision for a big life.

Dave and Rochelle also discuss how many of us miss opportunities that could be staring us right in the face. How does this happen and what can we do about it?

Rochelle then walks us through the process of setting up a vision so we can live big. That includes understanding what you want to be, how you want to do it and what is worth having in your life. She talks about the power of clarity and understanding your whole life, how to set intentions and even the power of creating a vision board.

She talks about how to reframe questions in your head so you can create the life you want and live big. She lays out the small steps we need to take to create the life we want.

Get in touch with Rochelle below.



Ep 103: Celebrating small wins when you have ADHD

This week we are talking about how to celebrate small wins when you have adult ADHD and how to learn from those little slices of success.

Daniel Warren is the guest. He is an entrepreneur and a law school graduate. Dan like many of us with ADHD had some challenges navigating the school system when he was younger. He talks about growing up and go into school with ADHD and includes the bad and the good experiences. He even talks about the stigma associated with ADHD growing up.

Daniel Warren Dan talks about how he eventually attended law school and how he succeeded with intense demand on studying in good grades. He talks about adjustments he needed to make as well as holding himself accountable and taking responsibility in order to get through law school.

Dan talks about how to celebrate those small wins and how when you have ADHD the meaning of success can mean something different for everyone.

Dan talks about how to find those wins and to try new things in order to thrive with adult ADHD.

And then introduces us to his full metal intensive 90 day leadership seminar which he conducts.

And Dave and Dan discuss changing the term of ADHD from the word disorder to variance and why Dan thinks this way.

EP 102: Getting your ADHD life on a positive cycle for 2021

In this episode we talk about getting your ADHD life back on a positive cycle and identify the lessons learned from the past year. While there has been a lot of negativity in our lives the past year, we know we can find some positives to help us through the coming years as well as lessons learned.

This week we have back Dr. Sarah Cheyette who has incredible knowledge in the world of ADHD. She has been on the podcast several times and offers tremendous insights into how we can thrive with ADHD.

Sarah Cheyette MDThis week we discuss how many with ADHD may have let certain things in our life and business get a little out of control due to the circumstances of the pandemic. They may be subtle things but are issues we need to work on to thrive in the coming year.

Sarah and Dave discuss how many of us may have lost our job, started a new job or career, had increased family obligations and how we have had to prioritize those to create a so-called normal life during these times.

Dr. Sarah digs deep into why many of us have let our negative thoughts take over and how this has happened. You do not have to have ADHD to have negativity slowly fill your life because of what we are living through. Everyone is experiencing some form of negative thinking.

Sarah talks about how we can look back at what we have learned in the past year and how much of this can benefit us in the future. That includes learning new skills, developing new routines, finding new ways to work as well as get things done around the house and even learning to be a home cook.

How can we improve focus with these new skills? Sarah offers her advice. She also offers her professional advice on how to set goals given our current circumstances.

Sarah walks us through how to get back on a positive cycle and slowly shed that negative thought process. She helps us be slightly better today than we were yesterday.

If you feel like negativity has been taking over your life this past year, this is a great discussion and worth your time.

Find Sarah Cheyette here: https://sarahcheyette.com/