EP 49: Myths about ADHD-Part 1

This week we discuss some of the more popular myths about ADHD. And back to discuss this topic is Cameron Gott, an ADHD coach that works with adults, leaders and others in high-demand positions. Cam was on Overcoming Distractions in episode 39 when we discussed good brain management for those with ADHD.

There are countless myths about ADHD that you will find out there on the internet and beyond. Dave and Cam discuss some of these in a humorous and frustrating way to try and shed more light on the topic and understanding of ADHD.

Myths about adhd

Cam and Dave talk about the ultimate ADHD myth and that is the notion that ADHD is not real. With science behind the diagnosis of ADHD, there is more than enough proof that ADHD is a real thing. But listen to hear more about this myth.

Another very popular myth as that ADHD is just in kids. If you know anything about ADHD, it is best described as an unregulated amount of dopamine that enters the prefrontal cortex of the brain. While many may learn to cope, and become more self-aware, the fact is that you do not outgrow your ADHD.

Another topic that Dave and Cam chat about is the belief that people with ADHD are not successful. As you may know, Dave wrote Overcoming Distractions and interviewed many successful entrepreneurs with ADHD so those of us in the ADHD community know that there are many successful individuals that have made a great impact in business and in life.

How can we educate people about ADHD? Cam and Dave chat about the countless resources out there that both those with and without ADHD can tap into to find out more about the topic.

If you want to find out more about Cameron Gott and ADHD coaching, check out his website: https://www.camerongott.com/

EP 48: Thriving with ADHD as a busy entrepreneur-with Peter Shankman

This week, Dave chats with Peter Shankman, author of the book, Faster Than Normal. The book is about adult ADHD and how to use that gifted brain you were given at birth. Peter also hosts a very popular podcast by the same name.

Peter Shankman as you may know is a very successful entrepreneur and keynote speaker. Peter travels the county and the world and can be in New York one day, and across the globe the next day. And that’s what Dave and Peter discuss.

How to manage your ADHD and thrive with ADHD when you are a busy entrepreneur.

Peter talks about how he has created routines that help him with his very busy schedule. Whether he is in New York or another part of the world, Peter keeps a routine to make sure he stays on track and as productive as he can be. Peter talks about the importance of exercise and working out. And how he uses it to stay on track when he might cross several time zones.

Does Peter have a different routine for when he’s home and when he travels? He’ll answer that question as well as how manages his busy schedule in a different time zone.

Peter also talks about whether he uses pen and paper to keep track of everything or if he uses technology for projects, to-do lists and other tasks. He talks about some of his favorite aps he uses to stay productive and why he pretty much puts his life in the cloud.

And Peter gives some hope to those who may be raising a child or young adult with ADHD and that may be struggling. Many who have gone through hard times with ADHD come out very successful in business and Peter has a few words to say about staying positive.

Peter has been a tremendous advocate for how you can thrive with ADHD and how you can see the positive aspect of having ADHD. As long as you are managing it properly. Find out some of Peter’s top ADHD tips in this value-packed episode.

You can connect with Peter at: www.Shankman.com or www.Fasterthannormal.com

Ep 47: Why do we always feel too busy?

This week Dave sits down with Cena Block and they discuss why many of us always feel too busy. Cena is an ADHD coach, working with many professionals and entrepreneurs. Cena is also a certified organizer coach and productivity consultant.

Why do I always feel so busy? Cena talks with Dave about this important question.

Dave and Cena discuss why many of us feel like there are just not enough hours in the day to get what we need to get done. We always feel like there is just too much on our plate. Cena talks about the reasoning behind this and offers her thoughts on the way our busy world works today.

Cena talks about some of the reasons that contribute to our business including time management, cluttered mind and clutter spaces as well as our lack of systems in our business life.

Cena offers us some advice for when we are actually too busy and we have too many things on our plate. Sometimes we can feel busy but other times, we actually do have too many items on our to-do list. Cena sorts this out for us.

Cena also walks us through how to begin the process of managing how busy we are and how busy we feel and gives us some actional tips to think about.

You can find Cena here at her website: www.SaneSpaces.com

EP 46: Working memory and ADHD- What is it and how do we improve it?

This week we have Jeff Copper back from DIG Coaching to talk with us about working memory. Lost your car keys, forgot why you walked into a room or forgot to pack the right cloths for your trip? Your working memory is probably to blame.

Jeff explains what working memory is and how we need a good working memory to get things done during the course of our day. How working memory can affect our productivity and frustrate us when we do forget things are a major topic of discussion.

Jeff and Dave also have a little fun at our own expense. Forgetting things around the house such as walking into a room and not knowing why you are there is sometimes amusing. But also, in business, it can affect our business and the people around us if we don’t come up with solutions.

Jeff gives us real life scenarios and small examples of tests we could do to see how our working memory manages and he runs through actionable ways in which we can come up with solutions to the challenge of a lack of working memory.

Jeff also lays out a number of tools he and others use to keep track of daily tasks and large projects such as Evernote, Copy Talk and Live Scribe.

Find ADHD Coach Jeff Copper at these websites:





EP 45: Confidence- What is it and how do we achieve it?

The topic this week is about how to have more confidence in business and in your personal life. This week on Overcoming Distractions the podcast, Dave speaks with Alyssa Dver, founder of The American Confidence Institute.

Many who might have had a challenging upbringing (such as ADHD) have had their confidence eroded over time. Dave and Alyssa talk about why some people have lost their confidence or in many cases, never had enough confidence to chase their dreams or big goals.

Alyssa defines confidence and lets us know exactly what she feels leads to a professional having the confidence they need in business.

Other discussion points in this podcast include, the topic of what actually contributes to lack of confidence and what brain science has to do with confidence. They discuss what can do for us in a business setting and the steps someone needs to take to create more confidence in their lives.

Alyssa and Dave also chat about one of the age-old questions-Confidence VS> Arrogance. What is the difference and how do we spot it.

Alyssa and her team also offer confidence coaching and she explains how confidence coaching is different than other coaching such as a business coach or life coaching.

Alyssa also discusses imposter syndrome and how this is connected to confidence. Many men and women as well as people with ADHD experience imposter syndrome at one time or another in their lives and Alyssa talks about what this is and how to counter it.

Alyssa works with professionals from all walks of life. From business professionals, entrepreneurs, lawyers, academics and many others.

Learn more about Alyssa Dver and the American Confidence Institute at: http://www.americanconfidenceinstitute.com/

EP 44: How do we set and achieve the biggest goal of our life?

Grandmaster Chris Berlow is back on Overcoming Distractions to talk about how to set and achieve the biggest goals of your life.

In 2017 Chris climbed Kilimanjaro (19,341 feet) in Tanzania, in 2018 he went to Everest Base Camp (17,600) and climbed Kalapathar (18,508) in the Himalaya’s in Nepal, in 2019 Chris went to Ecuador and climbed Cotopaxi (19,347) which is one of the tallest active volcanos in the world.

Chris will tell us about how he prepared to do these climbs and he tells us what drives him to set and achieve big goals such as climbing.

He talks about some of the highlights of those climbs and what he did to prepare mentally for these climbs.

He answers the questions:

How do we get “out of our head”? 

How do we deal with frustration? 

How do we set and achieve the biggest goal of our life? 

Find Chris Berlow and Empowered Mastery: https://empoweredmastery.com/

EP 43: Time Management-How to Make the Most Out of Workshops

This week we have Dr. Sarah Reiff-Hekking back on Overcoming Distractions. And we’re talking about how to get the most out of going to or attending a time management workshop or seminar. Dr. Sarah runs True Focus Coaching just outside of Boston, MA. She coaches professionals on how to get a grip on their time and she also runs the Time Matters Boot Camp.

Dr. Sarah and Dave discuss how to make sure your walk away from a time management event with actionable goals and a plan to maximize your time and why you should consider taking the right time management workshop.

Dr. Sarah walks us through some of the indicators that may lead us to decide we need to get a handle on our time and if it actually makes sense for the entire team in your business to attend as well. How do we maximize our investment is such a program and how do we follow through on the tactics and processes we have learned?

Dr. Sarah also discusses how we can do our best to make time management not complicated and what to do when our week seem to blow up in our face.

We then chat about her Time Matters Boot Camp that she holds in the Boston area.

To learn more about Dr. Sarah Reiff-Hekking and her Time Matters Boot Camps, check out www.CreateFocusNow.com

EP 42: Simple tips to get and stay organized when you have ADHD

On this episode of Overcoming Distractions, we chat with Cris Sgrott who will guide us on how to get and stay organized when you have ADHD. Cris is with Organizing Maniacs a firm that works with many people but has a specialty in working with individuals with ADHD.

Cris is becoming well-known in the ADHD world and helps her clients with many aspects of getting organized which include physical items as well as other things including time.

Whether you have ADHD or not, you will find some incredible value and some great tips on how to get organized.

Cris answers the following questions about organization and ADHD:

On the list of challenges those with ADHD face, how high on the list is disorganization?

Is there a root cause of someone being disorganized? Why are some people with ADHD disorganized?

Why is it so hard for some of us to get and stay organized? 

When has disorganization gone too far in someone’s life or business?

Organization comes with physical items as well as time. Cris and Dave chat about how time gets compromised when we are disorganized.

Dave and Cris talk solutions to getting organized. Where do we start? And how do we get organized without getting frustrated?

Do we try to get organized on our own or is it best to get help?

And Cris gives us her top tips for getting started in the office when it comes to being organized.

Learn more about Cris here: https://www.organizingmaniacs.com/

EP 41: Leadership and focus when you have ADHD

Overcoming Distractions was founded on the belief that people with ADHD can thrive and be successful, despite what you see and hear from others. Many entrepreneurs have ADHD and many with ADHD become entrepreneurs.

Many also enter leadership roles in other organizations and are responsible for not only the direction of a company but are charged with leading others. How does someone in leadership manage their ADHD and use it to their advantage?

This podcast we chat with David Rickabaugh of Leading With ADHD. David works with professionals and leaders that just happen to have ADHD and help them become better leaders as well as use their Superpowers of ADHD to become even more effective.

We discuss:

What superpowers can a leader with ADHD bring to an organization and what are the challenges associated with having ADHD in a leadership role. We chat about how to stay focused as a leader when you have employees and others under your direction.

We also discuss if it is difficult for someone to lay out their challenges honestly or if it comes naturally. Can someone with ADHD be true to themselves to work through challenges.

David walks us through how he helps leaders with ADHD create an “Owner’s Manual” so they can perform better as a leader and david gives us his top tips for fostering the superpowers of ADHD when you are in a business setting.

Find out more about David here: https://www.leadingwithadhd.com/

Ep 40: Why do those with ADHD make great entrepreneurs?

This week we are talking about ADHD and entrepreneurship, something that Overcoming Distractions was founded on. We chat with Rick Fiery of Inventive Labs based in Massachusetts.

Inventive labs is just that, a lab were those who think and learn just a little differently, can grow, thrive, learn and build their ideas. With a main focus on entrepreneurship, Inventive Labs also focuses on career advice, gap years and they host a pitch competition.

Rick and Dave discuss more about Inventive Labs and what the atmosphere and vibe there is like.

Rick chats about why he feels feel those with ADHD make great entrepreneurs and what separates someone with neurodiversity from others in the area of entrepreneurship?

Finding a career for many with ADHD can be a challenge so Rick discusses how Inventive Labs helps in that area and how the team atmosphere helps everyone thrive and drive their ideas forward.

He discusses how to bring ideas to the next level including writing a business plan and how to get funding for your new business idea.

And Dave asks Rick one of those powerful questions. How do you recommend someone with ADHD, etc.. “find themselves?”

Find out more about Inventive Labs here: https://www.inventivelabs.org/