EP 121: ADHD and why you need to go to the gym

Overcoming Distractions is back with another episode and this one, once again it’s dedicated to why exercise is so important for people with ADHD.

Our guest this week is Gabriel Villarreal, owner of ADHD Counseling in the Roanoke Valley. Gabriel has a unique concept in helping his clients manage their ADHD that more and more people should get on board with.

Gabriel meets many of his clients in the gym. He will explain why he does this and why it has been so effective in helping individuals with ADHD.

Gabriel Villareal First, Gabriel discusses why it is so important for people with ADHD to embrace some type of exercise in their lives. And he gives us an education as to what exercise actually does to and for the ADHD brain.

He talks about how exercise can help in so many areas of our life including experiencing better sleep and even controlling our appetite in some cases. Gabriel talks about how can help manage our hyperactivity and help us to cope with distractions.

He discusses his program of meeting his clients in the gym and how effective it has been.

And Gabriel gives us his tips for getting started and staying on track with some type of exercise program. Those tips include finding a coach that can help you write an exercise program, stick to regular habits to see results and cautions us about relying on motivation alone. Habits are critical to sticking with an exercise program and getting the results you need as a person with ADHD.

Learn more about Gabriel as well as the programs he offers here. https://roanokeadhd.com/

Now go to the gym!

EP 120: “I can’t stop thinking”-Reduce anxiety from your racing mind

In this episode, we bring back Nancy Colier, who has been on Overcoming Distractions before. Nancy is a psychotherapist and author of many bestselling books.

We discuss Nancy’s new book “Can’t Stop Thinking. How to Let Go of Anxiety and Free Yourself from Obsessive Rumination.”

Many with ADHD have a racing mind, but you do not have to have ADHD to get a ton of value out of this discussion with Nancy. Her book is for anyone who struggles with obsessive thinking.

Nancy discusses why for many of us, negative thoughts can control us. She talks about how fear, lack of confidence, and other outside influences affect our thoughts, sometimes in a negative way.

Nancy ColierShe discusses how it’s not so much the situation but the thoughts around the situation that we obsess with. She talks about how we are addicted to our thoughts, but we do not have to pay attention to our thoughts 24 hours a day.

She also mentions that it’s not always the case where more thoughts such as positive thinking can solve your problems. And she makes it a point to tell listeners that you are not your thoughts.

Many obsess with thinking at all hours of the day and even into the night because we have what she calls a rehearsal of situations, where we feel something negative may happen and we go through all the possible outcomes.

We also discussed the topic of burnout and how relentless thinking about our situation can be a major factor in true burnout. When we get to this point, Nancy points out that our mind is never really off duty.

And as we always do on Overcoming Distractions, Nancy goes through some of the tools in her book to help reduce anxiety and rid ourselves of constant negative and obsessive thinking.

Connect with Nancy Colier here and find all her wonderful books; https://nancycolier.com/


EP 119: ADHD and conflict resolution

Conflict is just part of life and part of the business world. How we choose to enter conflict and resolve differences and disagreements with others can make all the difference in the world.

For those with ADHD, many find resolving conflict challenging to say the least. Because many of us can have difficulty regulating emotions, it gets in the way of resolving conflict properly and amicably.

Back on Overcoming Distractions is Brendan Mahan, from ADHD Essentials.

Brendan Mahan ADHD EssentialsWe discuss whether avoiding conflict is something common in people with ADHD and why. Dave and Brendan discuss how emotions can get the best of us with ADHD when it comes to conflict resolution and how certain emotions limit progress.

We discuss why many people with ADHD might create conflict where it is not necessary.

Brendan discusses how resolving conflict involves us listening through the noise and getting better at active listening. We need to set and understand the rules for conflict and assume that the other person has good intentions.

Productive conflict involves asking the right questions as well as getting ahead of the conflict, so it does not get out of control. Brendan suggests owning your mistakes but owning your strengths as well.

He also suggests that it’s very important to understand how self-reflection plays into conflict.

And Dave and Brendan do discuss that there are times when it is not a good idea to get involved in conflict and to revisit the matter later.

Brendan lays out other steps on how those with ADHD can get better at resolving conflicts before they get out of hand.

Brendan operates ADHD essentials which offers coaching, parenting groups and the very popular podcast by the same name. Find Brendan here. https://www.adhdessentials.com/


EP 118: ADHD, Rejection Sensitive Dysphoria and Entrepreneurship

In this episode of Overcoming Distractions, we discuss a topic that has become very popular in the world of ADHD. This week we discuss rejection sensitive dysphoria with ADHD.

Back on the podcast is Diann Wingert, a mindset and productivity coach. She is a former psychotherapist who now focuses her attention on working with success-driven women who may have ADHD. She is also the host of The Driven Woman Podcast.

There has been a lot of attention around rejection sensitive dysphoria in the world of ADHD. But this episode is dedicated RSD in the ADHD entrepreneur world.

Diann WingertDiann discusses what rejection sensitive dysphoria is and dispels a couple of myths. First, it is not an official diagnosis as many may think. Diann points out that it is part of emotional dysregulation which many with ADHD struggle with.

Dave and Diann discuss why adults with ADHD may be more prone two rejection sensitivity. Because in the end, everyone can experience these types of feelings whether you have ADHD or not.

She discusses where and when this can show up when you are an entrepreneur or self-employed and why it can be a challenge for many in the business world.

She points out that many may pull back from critical parts of our business because we fear criticism and judgment which can hold our businesses and career back.

Diann also makes it clear that rejection sensitive dysphoria should not be your identity.

She discusses ways we can look for long-term solutions to rejection sensitive dysphoria such as radical self-acceptance and self-awareness. She advises you to understand what the triggers are and not to dwell on this when you feel rejection.

She also says that one of the best ways to feel better when your experience rejection is to get up and move, exercise and reconnect the brain to positive thoughts and feelings.

Diann also recommends the think up app which helps you create positive affirmations. http://thinkup.me/

You can find Diann Wingert and learn more about working with her on her website. And find her podcast episodes.


EP 117: ADHD and the power of meditation, exercise, diet and sleep

Back on Overcoming Distractions is ADHD Coach Jeff Copper of DIG Coaching. The topic is a favorite one.

ADHD and Non med, meds.

We are talking about meditation, exercise, diet, and sleep and the power of incorporating these in your life to thrive with your ADHD. We not only talk about how effective these can be in managing ADHD but we discuss the challenges involved in incorporating these habits into our daily lives.

Jeff Copper Dig CoachingFirst Jeff discusses is how mind and machine can work together. What he means by this is that there is a thoughtful brain and a mindful brain, and the brain responds well when it is taken care of properly and fed the right fuel.

He discusses the importance of having a good night’s sleep and proper sleep hygiene but also realizes that for many with ADHD, sleep can be boring, especially the first 15 to 30 minutes that we go to bed.

Jeff discusses is how critical exercise can be for people with ADHD and offers a few tips to make it more enjoyable. He says that exercise can be social in that finding an exercise buddy can be one of the ways to stick with it.

Dave and Jeff discuss how there are many forms of meditation from ways many traditionally think of meditation all the way to listening to music, walking, and other ways of mindfulness.

Jeff discusses his ways to not only get the right nutrition but plan meals as well. He says reducing the steps in food preparation is a great way, more planning, less garbage food. Dave and Jeff even discuss how using a crockpot can help you plan meals for several days.

If you’re looking for ways to manage your ADHD without medication, Jeff and Dave have a great and engaging discussion.

However, keep in mind both Dave and Jeff are not anti-medication and understand the benefits when ADHD medication is needed in someone’s life.

Find Jeff Copper at, www.digcoaching.com




EP 116: What will an ADHD diagnosis look like in the future?

Were you ever officially diagnosed with ADHD? Are you thinking you might want to see a professional for an ADHD diagnosis?

This week, we discuss what an ADHD diagnosis might look like in the coming years as well as what some professionals feel should be included in diagnosing people with ADHD.

Back on the podcast again is Sarah Cheyette M.D., author of many books on ADHD including, ADHD & Me, ADHD and the Focused Mind, and Winning with ADHD. Dr. Cheyette recently published an article in Psychology Today with her Husband, Ben Cheyette about the future of ADHD diagnoses.

Sarah Cheyette MDDave and Dr. Cheyette discuss what the criterion for a diagnosis is today as well as historically and whether she feels that has been an adequate method of arriving at a conclusion. They also briefly walk through what a professional may be looking for.

They discuss why separating adults and children makes perfect sense in a diagnosis and why that is more important today with technology and innovation. They discuss why taking the working environment into consideration is important as well as a child’s environment with school and other recreation.

They discuss why screen time and the number of hours spent on social media and other platforms can help a professional understand someone’s ADHD.

Dr. Cheyette expresses what she would like to see in the future of diagnosing ADHD. Much of that is also included in her recent article.

Find the article in Psychology Today here.


Connect with Doctor Sarah Cheyette here at her website. https://sarahcheyette.com/

Ep 115: Is it ADHD, burnout or both?

Dave tackled the subject of burnout in this solo podcast episode. Burnout has always been a challenge whether you are a caregiver, parent, or suffering from career burnout, the struggle is nothing new. However as we’ve seen during this past year and our experiences with COVID-19, many more people may be experiencing burnout in many ways.

Dave first shares his personal story of burnout in the restaurant business. It was not only mentally exhausting but took a toll on his body. He talks about some of the things you should ask yourself if you feel like you are burned out.

Dave runs through a series of questions you should ask yourself such as, do you feel disconnected, are you emotionally exhausted, are you cynical, have you set boundaries, and do you have challenges saying no to others and yourself when pressed for time.

He also examines whether you need a vacation or whether your burnout is much more severe.

Dave offers his suggestion based on personal experience and others he has interviewed for an upcoming project on burnout. He talks about ways to make adjustments in your life, how to slow down, how to make sure that you are running your own life and your own schedule, and suggests finding purpose once again in your life.

Dave and others also suggest finding a way to get excited about life again.


EP 114: How people with ADHD can develop better eating choices

In this episode, we discuss how those of us with ADHD can develop better eating habits. Dave is joined by Sarah Stites, the founder of the Wavelength app to discuss eating, nutrition, and proper food choices. And they also talk about cutting yourself some slack every now and then.

Sarah first discusses her own ADHD as well as other challenges that led to substantial weight gain as a young adult. She talks about how she had to learn more about food in the science of food and nutrition.

Dave and Sarah chat about food comfort and that brains love to eat. Food can give us a dopamine shot.

Dave and Sarah also discussed that being hungry is a distraction for anybody and that we need to learn proper habits and routines to not get to that point.

Sarah talks about what contributes to unhealthy eating habits, the discipline when trying to eat healthy and why many with ADHD can struggle with proper meal planning and eating.

Sarah also discusses what foods can help us focus including reducing sugar and yes, increasing fat intake. But she also discusses good and bad fats.

Sarah discusses how self-care is a whole thinking approach and she also discusses how shame, which many with ADHD struggle with, can contribute to unhealthy eating.

Sarah then talks about how the wavelength app can help anyone whether they have ADHD or not, develop sound eating habits.

You can find out more about Wavelength at their website. https://www.joinwavelength.com/


EP 113: Creating the ideal workspace conditions for your ADHD brain

Those of us with ADHD need to take careful consideration into how we structure our workplace as well as the working conditions we surround ourselves with. To feel productive, focused and to minimize the distractions we may encounter, putting ourselves in the ideal working conditions can benefit both of us, our employers and if we are entrepreneurs, our clients.

In this episode, we talk about how to create ideal working conditions for your ADHD and distracted brain. Returning to Overcoming Distractions is Grant Crowell, the author of GRANTASMS: Twisted Creative words for cool people!

Grant also has extensive experience in the profession of workplace training and assisting those with different brains be more productive in the workplace.

Grant CrowellGrant and Dave discuss how the past year during COVID-19 has either helped or hurt the productivity of those with ADHD. They talked about some of the common struggles associated with the workplace including focus, distractions, and accountability as well as putting the proper systems in place.

Grant suggests understanding what motivates you to work and keeping a close eye on that wherever your workplace is. He suggests keeping what he calls a 5-minute Journal, laying out what you are grateful for, trying to keep a positive mindset, and at the end of each day Journal about the good things that happened in the workplace.

He talks about how to find your energy and how joining groups of like-minded people, getting coaching as well as joining masterminds can help you work better.

Grant also suggests that there really is no ideal workspace, but you can do your best to find a setup that works for you. That includes where to place your desk, the type of chair, your computer monitors and their locations, and even the color and arrangement of your room.

Create also suggest understanding the goals when setting up your workplace, will you be on constant video conferences or do you tend to use other tasks such as writing.

Grant and Dave always have fun on these podcast episodes, and we are sure you’ll enjoy this one as well!

Find Grant at the links below.



EP 112: Navigating the world of adult ADHD

In this podcast, Dave gets to talk with Anjle a multidisciplinary artist and performer (drag, burlesque, illustration, opera, theater, prop-making, set design, stage managing, producing, etc.). Anjle has done it all!

Anjle was officially diagnosed with ADHD just weeks before our podcast recording. Anjle talks about struggles in the past and the tools needed to navigate those challenges. Before even being diagnosed with ADHD, Anjle was already using tools and coping skills to have a thriving career as an artist.

Dave talks with Anjle about a whole host of topics including creating systems, thriving with good strategies, identifying strengths and other ways to grow professionally. Both talk about how using paper instead of electronic organizes work best for both.

Anjle and Dave Talk about the stigmas associated with neurodiversity, navigating the workplace and society in general and how to be better in tune with ourselves.

Anjle gives tips for navigating a neurodiverse life as an adult and an artist.

If you are in the creative or performing arts, this is a great discussion to dig into!