EP 69: Going From Doubt to Confidence

People, whether they have  ADHD or not, are always looking for ways to build more confidence and get rid of the doubt going on inside their heads. This week, we’ll talk about going from doubt, to increasing your self-confidence with Rochelle Seltzer, and executive coach based just outside of Boston, MA.

Some of the discussion points we have during the conversation include talking about what cause doubt in our lives including business and in our personal life. We talk about whether doubt is the same has being stuck and how the two can work together to get in the way of moving forward in life.

We discuss how some people may have a real burst of confidence and the suddenly have that last-minute doubt when it’s time to execute on a project or other large life event. We talk about self-sabotage and if they could be related.

The discussion transitions to what confidence can do for us in business and in life and Rochelle talks about the process for changing your mindset from constant doubt to having more confidence.

Rochelle lays out some daily exercises that help us control doubt and increase confidence and talks about some of the routines we can get ourselves into to help.

How do we handle outside forces that try to tear our confidence down? Rochelle talks about that and she presents her top tips to go from doubt to increasing self-confidence.

Find Rochelle and her book here: https://www.rochelleseltzer.com/


EP 68: Time Blindness-Strategies to be More Aware of Time, Deadlines and the Clock

There are many of us that have a different relationship with time. By that, some of us are what we call time blind. That is when we not only loose track of time, but also have difficulty estimating how much time you might need to perform some task or project.

You do Not have to have an ADHD diagnosis to experience being time blind. All brains can underestimate time for a whole host of reasons. But those with ADHD, do get most of the attention when it comes to the subject of time.

This podcast, Dave talks with Jaclyn Paul a writer and Ap developer. Jaclyn also runs the website ADHD Homestead where she writes about ADHD and all types of topics associated with it. Jaclyn wrote an article recently about how she combats her time blindness and Dave and Jaclyn discuss some of her techniques.

Jaclyn and Dave discuss what being time blind looks like and what can happen when we completely lose track of time. And they chat about how sometimes being time blind can be humorous and how many times it can be frustrating.

Jaclyn talks about some of her strategies she uses to reduce being time blind including one special technique that involves the kitchen and keeping on track.

She also goes through some of her favorite techniques and methods including the Apple watch.

You can find Jaclyn Paul here:



EP 67: How To Identify and Work Through Impostor Syndrome

If you have ever felt like you did not belong in a certain situation or you thought you were not good enough to be working in a career or job, this is a great podcast episode for you to listen to.

Impostor Syndrome is feeling inadequate in various settings or having a feeling that you have not earned the right to be where you are. Are you working in a career that you did not get a formal education in? Are you constantly in a room full of very successful people and feel out of place or feel like a fraud?  That’s imposter Syndrome.

Impostor Syndrome Jen CokenIn this podcast on Impostor Syndrome, we talk with Jen Coken and she walks us through what imposter syndrome is, how it might be formed and why we think we have not earned the right to be where we are in life. Jen works as an executive coach, a speaker and she holds several other programs to help individuals achieve their best and get the most out of life and career. You’ll also find her performing stand up comedy from time to time so you know this podcast interview is going to be a great one!

Jen talks about how damaging this can be to our self esteem, our confidence and our ability to manage our career or business and what we can do to start to overcome this negative pattern of thinking.

Jen talks about what regular activities you can practice to stay positive and who can help you work through these types of challenges.

And as always, our guest gives us her top tips for overcoming impostor syndrome that you can implement today!

Fine more about Jen Coken and her offerings at her website:  https://www.jencoken.com/

Find her webinar on imposter syndrome here: https://www.jencoken.com/courses/imposter-syndrome-webinar

EP 66: Tips on Pivoting in Your Career or Business

On this episode of Overcoming Distractions, we talk about a common buzzword lately and that’s the topic of pivoting. You can call it pivoting, change of direction, or change of course. Whatever you want to term it, some of us are going to make a major change in our lives more than once.

For many with ADHD, we can get pretty good with this. But this podcast is a great discussion for anyone who is considering a major change in their life. You do not have to have ADHD to benefit from this discussion.

Sherry DutraThe guest this week is Sherry Dutra of Dutra Associates. Sherry is a professional certified coach working in New England but has had clients all over the world. She works in the areas of talent development, career management as well as serving as a retirement coach for many. She has a wealth of expertise when it comes to making major life and career changes.

We often hear the word Pivot so Dave asks Sherry what pivoting really means. We talk about some of the more common reasons that would cause someone to want to make a major change and if she has seen more people take “inventory” of their career during the COVID 19 crisis.

Sherry walks listeners through the steps a person can take to minimize any mistakes when making a change in your career life or business.

Does it always have to be a big change? Or just a small shift? Sherry answers this question about maybe making small changes that help us feel renewed.

What does Sherry caution people with before going out and making a pivot? She talks about real motive, adequate finances, education and training.

Sherry wraps up the conversation with her top tips for pivoting, making a career change or starting a new business.

You can find Sherry Dutra at her website:


EP 65: Uncovering Your Gifts When You Have ADHD

We have Dr. Lara Honos-Webb back on Overcoming Distractions to talk about how to make your gifts shine with ADHD. Many of us with ADHD need to work extra hard to find our gifts as well as believe that our ADHD can be a gift. With so many negative thoughts about our attention span and other traits, we often feel that our ADHD is a total curse.

Dr. Honos Webb gives is a sense of why there is so much stigma in the public associated with having a differently wired brain. And we reverse that question to find out why so many with ADHD have a personal sigma about themselves and not believe in their own gifts.

She also helps listeners understand how we can actually convince ourselves that we have gifts associated with our ADHD. We may fall into that negative talking trap and she walks us through how we can all better understand our gist and positive qualities.

We talk about the workplace and ADHD and how we can gain more confidence in the workplace and how we can thrive and show our boss or our employer how valuable we can be to an organization. And, how we can have more confidence in ourselves in business and in life.

Dr Lara gives us her top tips for ways we can identify our gifts and put them into action including some great tips on self-care and mindfulness to help of foster more creativity and harmony in our lives.

You can find out more about Dr. Lara Honos Webb here including many of her books on ADHD: www.addisagift.com


EP 64: The Power Of Positive Self Talk When You Have ADHD

The power of positive self-talk is the topic for this important podcast this time. There are many ways to thrive with Adult ADHD and many ways to focus on your strengths. This episode is decided to having a positive mindset and learning how to be nice to yourself.

The guest this week is Lara Honos Webb, a clinical psychologist based in California and the author of many books on ADHD.

We talk about how many of us, ADHD or not, get stuck in a trap of negative self talk and where that negativity comes from. For many with ADHD or other types of different brains, school was not a great place for us and in many cases, it was the cause of negative thoughts and patterns.

We discuss they types of things you may find in common with people that get in this habit of negative self talk and how this can progress into other areas of life.

Lara talks about how negative self talk can affect us and affect others around us and why it is such a negative force in our lives.

We discuss the benefits of positive self talk and why it is so important to our wellbeing and mindset. And what brain scans can tell us about how to talk to ourselves.

Lara walks us through how we get on a path of minimizing these negative behaviors and some final tips for everyone, whether we have ADHD or not.

Find Lara’s article on Psychology Today here. https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/the-gift-adhd/201903/self-talk-solutions-adhd

Lara’s website for more info. https://www.addisagift.com/

EP 63: How To Embrace Your ADHD

This week, Benjamin Cheyette, M.D. is back on Overcoming Distractions to speak about how you can embrace your ADHD brain. Many of those with ADHD do struggle with many of the negative aspects of having ADHD but countless also embrace that ADHD brain they were given and have used it for forge great careers and launch successful businesses.

On this podcast, we discuss how adults with ADHD can embrace their strengths that come with ADHD and learn how to live with and manage some of the limitations that they might be experiencing. We also first take the time to discuss why some individuals may or may not identity themselves as ADHD or having ADHD and we do address how some may struggle with getting to a place where they can feel they are thriving in life.

Dr. Cheyette also talks about the fact that some run away from their ADHD and decide not to address it or even characterize themselves as someone who just might have a different brain. We discuss the pros and cons of that situation.

How do we work toward embracing ADHD or the brain we were given? Dr. Cheyette talks about how we can look inward and find the good in our ADHD. We also discuss why it is important for people to focus on the positives and Dr. Cheyette offers his perspective from a clinical point of view

Ben also discusses the difference between an ADHD coach and a psychologist like himself. When should you see someone like him and when does it make sense to use the services and guidance of an ADHD coach. Having a professional by your side can help you embrace your own ADHD in different ways.

Find Dr. Cheyette’s article we mention in the podcast below.




EP 62: Would You Want to Live In A World Without ADHD?

The title of this podcast interview is interesting and so is the project by the same name. What would our world look like without the minds of those with ADHD? The ADHD mind is responsible for so many of the inventions, discoveries and other things we enjoy and many of us are unaware of that. Those with ADHD are thinkers and problem solvers and so much progress has been made by the minds of neurodiversity.

This podcast has Dr. Kirsten Milliken and ADHD Coach Kris Mitchell as guests. Their project “Would You Want to Live In A World Without ADHD?” is meant to show the world that there have been many positives from the world of ADHD.

We always hear about negatives with ADHD but the three talk about some of the positive aspects of ADHD.

They discuss why those without ADHD should change their perspective about ADHD as well as individuals with ADHD. Both can have a negative view.

The group talks about why so many with ADHD need to chart their own course including some of the professionals they profile on the website. www.worldwithoutadhd.com

How does someone really find out what their strengths are? Dr. Kirsten and Kris have some thoughts on how to really home in on what you are good at.

Dr. Kirsten and Kris talk all about the project “Would You Want to Live In A World Without ADHD?” Why they launched it, what they are trying to achieve and how you can be a part of this groundbreaking effort.

They also answer the question- What life lessons do you feel can be taught through the lens of ADHD? To anyone regardless of whether they have ADHD or not.

This is a great discussion about looking at ADHD through a different and positive lens.

You can be a part of the project by logging on to their website: www.worldwithoutadhd.com

EP 61:Being Me-Finding Out Who You Really Are

For most of us, we want to be truly happy and that involves finding out who we really are, what we were put on this earth to do and our purpose in life. Not the meaning of life, but our purpose. And that’s what this podcast is all about. Back again is Grandmaster Chris Berlow from Empowered Mastery and he talks about how to identify your purpose and get to know yourself a little better.

Chris talks about ways to find happiness in your life and how to identify your own personal values as well as why that is important to everyone. He also defines happiness as he sees it and it is not all related to money.

Chris also walks us through what Empowered Mastery calls the LAB Report which is the Life Alignment Blueprint which he walks many of his clients through to help them create clarity in their lives. And he talks about how to draft a Worthy Ideal which is a personal statement of what is important to you in life as an individual.

You can find Grandmaster Chris Berlow at: https://empoweredmastery.com/

EP 60: ADHD, the Role Of Dopamine and More

What is ADHD? What role does dopamine play in the brain? How does dopamine work in the brain? These are some of the questions we answer in this episode of Overcoming Distractions the podcast this week.

Benjamin Cheyette, MD, Ph.D is the guest this week and we go back to some basics of ADHD and the brain. Maybe you were diagnosed with ADHD but don’t really know more about the how ADHD really works and what some of the characteristics are. Ben breaks ADHD down beautifully and with a lot of detail.

Ben and Dave spend a lot of time on dopamine. What dopamine is and how it works in the brain. Dopamine is not an ADHD thing. Every human relies on dopamine as well as animals and Ben walks us through a very detailed explanation from the neuroscience point of view. Ben says that it is the reward system for the brain, and we all need it.

Ben also takes time to distinguish between short term dopamine rushes such as when someone likes your photo on social media and longer term dopamine such as when you find the job and career that you love.

Ben wraps up by discussing what it takes to be you. At least in the world of ADHD, many of us must find out who we are and what we like and dislike. Ben says to start with writing down your values and finding what you want to accomplish and what you ultimately need to say no to and cut off.

Ben is also the co-author of the book ADHD and the Focused Mind. He talks briefly about the book and some of the lessons in the book.

You can find the book here; https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/0757004148

Find his blog here on Psychology Today; https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/1-2-3-adhd