Every single person gets stuck in their lives at one time or another. That could be in their career, their job, or their personal life at home. We all get stuck from time to time.

How do we get unstuck?

This podcast is about getting unstuck. Whether you have ADHD or not, you’ll learn something about it.

Dave’s guest today is Britt Frank, a clinician, speaker and the author of the Science of Stuck and the Getting Unstuck Workbook.

We can get stuck on a decision to do the dishes in our house or making a major career or life decision. Being stuck can show up everywhere.

Britt discusses the science of being stuck which she equates to having the emergency brake on in your car. She also discusses the shame many of us feel when we’re in stuck mode.

Britt also discusses with Dave the following topics.


Decision fatigue.

Intention gaps.

How to get a micro yes accomplished.

Why boundaries are related to being stuck.

And stay to the end of the discussion because brick gives three steps for anyone to get unstuck.

Find Britt Frank and her book the Science of Stuck here: https://www.scienceofstuck.com/

How to start getting “unstuck” as a busy adult with ADHD

2 thoughts on “How to start getting “unstuck” as a busy adult with ADHD

  • Dear David

    I’m so happy I stumbled upon your podcast today! It’s the best thing that happened to me in a very long time! I listen to ADHD podcasts all the time and yours is so far the most entertaining and resourceful I have ever heard! I love your personality. I would love to talk to you one day to discuss different things with you, but for now, I’m too busy finally organizing my life and finally am doing substancial progress.

    As for this episode with Britt… wow! Another amazing wonderful discovery. As I listened to the podcast, I could see myself as a teenager trying to get going, to finally just ‘start’ to study… but nope… There was something else to do that I hated to do (cleaning the house, cooking for my family, mowing the lawn) just before I would finally ALLOW myself to finally think about myself and finally just ‘start’ studying. Of course, these perfect times were never seen to linger by EXCEPT at the end of the year when I had to study or else I would not graduate to the next grade along with my co-students of my age. Just a week before the final exam, THEN I would start studying and staying up late by taking wake-up pills!

    I so wish we had access to the resources that we have now, especially your podcast and Britt’s framework!

    I hope you will have Britt on your show again soon! Great job Britt. How can something so easy took so long to be finally explained so easily by such a person as you. People used to tell me stuff like: If you really want it, you can do it.

    Thanks again a million to the both of you. You are really both Godsent!


    1. Thank you so much for your kind words! Britt is amazing in her book is awesome and I highly recommend it. Thank you so much for taking the time to listen!

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